Page 48 - MENDAKI Annual Report 2019
P. 48

CELEBRATING SUCCESS IN DIVERSE FIELDS   LATEST ENHANCEMENT TO BENEFIT STUDENTS IN BCA ACADEMY MOHAMAD ALFIAN BIN MOHAMAD ROSDIN To Mohamad Alfian Bin Mohamad Rosdin, pursuing a diploma course at BCA Academy was something that he had been planning for. Being accepted into the Mechanical Engineering Course in 2018 was a great milestone achieved in his learning journey. However, that happiness was short lived. His father, who was the sole breadwinner, was diagnosed with a serious illness that rendered him unfit for work. As the eldest in the family, with three younger siblings still in school, Alfian knew that he had to find a way to further finance his studies so as not to add to the family’s financial strain. With the expansion of TTFS in 2019 to benefit students pursuing diploma courses at the BCA Academy, students like Alfian can better focus on their studies and future. Alfian was among the first cohort of 17 BCA Academy students to receive the TTFS under the latest enhancements. The subsidy covers 100% of his tuition fees.  

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