Page 33 - MENDAKI Annual Report 2019
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 PROGRESSING AS A COMMUNITY   Following the warm reception of PlayFest in 2018, two mini PlayFests were held in April and June 2019 to continue reaching out to parents with young children below 6 years old. Held within the heartlands, PlayFest offered activities that develop early critical thinking and reasoning skills and nurture a maker mind-set among early learners. It also provides ideas in setting up a stimulating and appropriate learning environment at home.      Likewise, KelasMateMatika@Community Centres (KMM@CC) adopted a similar strategy over a 6-week parent-child workshop that supports children in their learning of basic numeracy concepts through play. Under one of the focus areas of M3 (MUIS, MENDAKI and MESRA) on early childhood development, the programme provides parents with MLE techniques and hands-on activities that encourages family bonding. KMM@CC was ramped up to include more locations across the M3@Towns in 2019. A total of 30 runs were conducted with 1,200 parents and children enrolled in the programme. Two graduation ceremonies were held for more than 750 participants who successfully completed the programme – one during June’s PlayFest and another in conjunction with the Learning Festival during the inaugural Raikan Ilmu in October 2019.  MENDAKI ANNUAL REPORT 2019 32 

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