Page 42 - MENDAKI Annual Report 2019
P. 42

   CELEBRATING SUCCESS IN DIVERSE FIELDS     ANUGERAH MENDAKI: RECOGNISING MILESTONES BEYOND ACADEMIC ACHIEVEMENTS As the community celebrates knowledge during the inaugural Raikan Ilmu in October, MENDAKI recognises the diverse talents and achievements in the community. For close to 520 students, 12 October 2019 was a day to be proud of as they were celebrated for this excellence in their respective education pathway during the annual Anugerah MENDAKI Award Presentation ceremony. Following the Anugerah review, all awards (Anugerah MENDAKI, Anugerah Belia Cemerlang and Special Achievement Award for Excellence Non-Academic) fall under the umbrella of Anugerah MENDAKI. All award winners were celebrated in a 1-day gala event. Held at ITE College Central, the 2-session ceremony was helmed by the Chairman and Deputy Chairman of Yayasan MENDAKI, Mr Masagos Zulkifli and Mr Zaqy Mohamad respectively. Also in attendance were the other Malay/Muslim Members of Parliament.  41 MENDAKI ANNUAL REPORT 2019 

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