Page 7 - MENDAKI Annual Report 2019
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 CEO’S MESSAGE  CEO’S MESSAGE   MDM ZURAIDAH ABDULLAH Chief Executive Officer BUILDING STRONG FOUNDATIONS Our community has embraced the importance of education as we continue to see our students doing well in both academic and non-academic fields. In moving forward, we want to empower our community to be future ready. Hence, a culture of lifelong learning must be inculcated not only in our young but across all age levels. In October 2019, MENDAKI successfully launched its inaugural Raikan Ilmu with more than 50 programmes and activities organised by MENDAKI and our partners. More than 30,000 participants from various age groups and walks of life took part in this month-long event. The resounding success of this event was a result of the shared belief in the importance of lifelong learning. We were happy to note that close to 100 partners and supporters came on board to join us in this movement. Among them were Malay/Muslim Organisations, national agencies such as National Library Board, People’s Association Malay Activity Executive Committees, and youth groups such as the Singapore Management University Muslim Association. These activities showcased how learning and ilmu is beyond the confines of a classroom; it is something that can be learned anytime anywhere. We look forward to the continued support for Raikan Ilmu 2020.   05 MENDAKI ANNUAL REPORT 2019 

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