Page 57 - MENDAKI Annual Report 2019
P. 57

  CULTIVATING A CULTURE OF LIFELONG LEARNING        ‘Future Of...’ Series Mentoring Training One unique programme offered at MENDAK@Jurong is the Gift-Centred Mentoring (GCM) training. Khairuddin Anshar, a staff from MENDAKI’s Future Ready Department, attended training at the Youth Mentoring Connection (YMC) in Los Angeles to understand the concepts and fundamentals of GCM. Together with two other MENDAKI staff, he spent 24 days going through a rigorous training programme to prepare himself as a mentor trainer. Learning directly under Mr Tony Lore, founder of YMC and his team of trainers had provided Khairuddin with in-depth knowledge of GCM and skills necessary for him to train would-be mentors effectively. Through the GCM approach, mentors are trained to uncover their mentees gifts, understand them and unleash their true potential.       

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