(English) December (Release 03): Mr Ismail Gafoor donates $1 million to MENDAKI to fund new scholarship, bursary and assistance schemes that will benefit more than 700 Malay/Muslim students
(English) December (Release 02): More than 480 children ready for primary school after graduating from KMM@CC & KSS programmes
(English) December (Release 01): KelasMateMatika@CC & Kelas Siap Sekolah Graduation Ceremony Dec 2021
(English) November (Release 02): MTS Tutor Awards 2021
(English) November (Release 01): Yayasan MENDAKI launches MyMENDAKI
(English) October (Release 10): Raikan Ilmu 2021 Finale
(English) October (Release 09): Learning Festival (Raikan Ilmu 2021)
(English) October (Release 05): Enhancing Community’s Skillsets and Employability through MENDAKI SENSE’s Career Fair and Workshop
(English) October (Release 04): Over 300 Participants Engaged as Returning Partners Showcase 18 family-friendly Activities
(English) October (Release 03): Yayasan MENDAKI and MiRXES announce SG$140,000 MENDAKI - MIRXES Scholarship Scheme for Undergraduate and Post-graduate Students
(English) October (Release 02): Raikan Ilmu - MENDAKI Embraces Learning through Seizing Opportunities at Reading Under the Stars
(English) October (Release 01): MENDAKI celebrates Reading Week with 3,200 participants from Preschools, Student Care Centres and Welfare Homes
(English) September (Release 04): MENDAKI celeberates the achievement of close to 500 top performers at the annual Anugerah MENDAKI 2021
(English) September (Release 03): Empowering Community Assets To Be Future Ready
(English) September (Release 02): Engaging and Supporting the Aspirations of our Youths to be Future Ready
(English) September (Release 01): Raikan Ilmu 2021 Media Conference
(English) August (Release 03): Coming Together, Achieving Together
(English) August (Release 02): Launch of Education Trust Fund - Bazul Ashhab Bursary
(English) August (Release 01): New Assistance Scheme Available For Muslim Students In Post-Secondary Education
(English) June (Release 04): MENDAKI Education Symposium 2021
(English) June (Release 03): KMM@CC Virtual Graduation Ceremony 2021
(English) June (Release 02): 32nd AGM, Stories of Adaptability & Resilience
(English) June (Release 01): 32nd Annual General Meeting - Invitation to Post-AGM Media Conference
(English) May (Release 01): Youths Introduce First-Of-Its-Kind Digital Human Library Initiative For The Community
(English) April (Release 01): E-Brunch with MENDAKI - Nurturing Academic Success Through Mental Wellness
(English) March (Release 02) Youths That Embody The 3C's - Vital For The Community's Success
(English) March (Release 01) Launch of Commemorative Book by Young Women in Leadership Dialogue
(English) February (Release 01) SHGSCL'S 5th Anniversary cum Opening of Big Heart's 30th Student Care Centre
(English) January (Release 01): Uplifting The Community Through Education in Today's Evolving Landscape
(English) December (Release 01): KMM@CC Graduation Ceremony 2020
(English) November (Release 01): MENDAKI Tutor Appreciation Awards 2020: Synergising efforts towards quality education
(English) October (Release 04): MENDAKI-IPS Policy Dialogue 2020 Developing a Resilient Community through Lifelong Learning
(English) October (Release 06): Raikan Ilmu Hour 2020 ‘Community rallies together and commits to lifelong learning’
(English) October (Release 05): Nomanbhoy & Sons Pte Ltd contributes $250,000 to the Education Trust Fund in support of Malay/Muslim children’s education
(English) October (Release 02): MENDAKI Embraces Learning & Resilience through Stories of Nature
(English) October (Release 01): MENDAKI Celebrates the Achievement of More Than 500 Top Performers at the annual Anugerah MENDAKI 2020
(English) September (Release 03): Additional 170 students to be awarded the Joint Tuition Award
(English) September (Release 01): Raikan Ilmu 2020
(English) August (Release 02): Self-Help Groups' 17th Joint Tuition Awards 2020
(English) August (Release 01): Youths navigate career exploration amid pandemic with MENDAKI Club
(English) July (Release 01): e-Brunch with MENDAKI - Transitioning to Primary School, Empowering Parents for Resilient Children
(English) May (Release 01): Migrant workers and needy families enjoy Buka meals thanks to Furama hotels and MENDAKI
(English) April (Release 02): MENDAKI Delivers Digital Devices to Students to Access Online Learning
(English) April (Release 01): MENDAKI's support measures as part of SGTeguhBersatu Resilience Package
(English) March (Release 04): MENDAKI provides online support amid suspension of MENDAKI Tuition Scheme (MTS) classes for two weeks
(English) March (Release 03): MENDAKI introduces new bursaries for Muslim students pursuing post-secondary education
(English) March (Release 02): KelasMateMatika@CC - 10th batch of trainers and facilitators to receive training enhancements
(English) March (Release 01): Suspension of services at MENDAKI@Mosques
(English) February (Release 03): One MENDAKI Orange Heart Walk in support of COVID-19 frontline workers
(English) February (Release 02): Education Trust Fund to continue fundraising efforts in support of children’s education
(English) February (Release 01): Hotline and online guidance for ‘A’ Level students
(English) January (Release 05): Nurturing students’ aspirations in today’s education landscape
(English) January (Release 04): Journeying and supporting aspirations of our youths in getting them to be Future Ready
Education Trust Fund (ETF) Climbathon 2019 On The Road to Annapurna for Charity
YMC Career Workshop Series 2019 - Healthcare Challenge: A Patient’s Journey! Exploring Healthcare Industries with MENDAKI Club
Education Trust Fund (ETF) Climbathon 2019 On The Road to Annapurna For Charity

Cleaning Cars for Charity Kicking Off Giving Week in Support of the Education Trust Fund

Shahidah Travel & Tours Pte Ltd Gives $50,000 in Support of Our Kids’ Education

Education Trust Fund Disbursement Ceremony 2019 Supporting Our Kids’ Education

Hotline and Online Guidance for PSLE Students

Accident Involving MENDAKI Staff at Batam

Accident Involving Mendaki Staff at Batam

Raikan Ilmu The Learning Festival 2019: A Celebration of Knowledge

MENDAKI-IPS Policy Dialogue 2019 ‘Progressing as a Community: Educating Malay/Muslim Youths for the Future’

Raikan Ilmu: Conference @ Yusof Ishak Mosque Islam in the new Contemporary World

Raikan Ilmu: Workshop on Design Thinking for Community Building by Collabdeen

Launch of New Satellite Centre with Special Focus on Youth Development

Mentoring Circle @ MENDAKI Club Meet, Mingle & Match

Raikan Ilmu, Celebrate Knowledge Anugerah MENDAKI Celebrating Success in Diverse Fields

Sharing and Dialogue on MENDAKI’s Commemorative Book - Navigating Educational Development: MENDAKI and the Malays

Raikan Ilmu, Celebrate Knowledge Celebrating the Community’s Journey of Knowledge with Pioneers & Families

Kapal Haji: Singapore & the Hajj Journey by Sea Book Launch in Support of our Kids’ Education

Harnessing Community Assets for the Community Connect , Contribute and Capital

Coming Together, Achieving Together Self-Help Groups Jointly Celebrate Students’ Achievement

Future Ready Nextstop Seminar 2019 Launch of The Future Ready Toolkit

Empowering Youths for the Future Economy Connecting, Engaging & Networking

Together, For Our Singapore National Day Observance Ceremony 2019

Yayasan Mendaki's 30th AGM Shift | Synthesize | Synergize

Yayasan Mendaki 30th Annual General Meeting Invitation to the Post-AGM Media Conference

Projek Positif Participants Pay It Forward

Harun Ghani Education Fund Organises Pelita Hati As Part Of Its Ramadan Outreach Efforts

Empowering Youths for the Future Economy Connecting, Engaging & Networking

Getting Pre-schoolers Ready for School Through Play

Empowering Our Youths for the 21st Century

Rallying CLF Partners to be a Part of Raikan Ilmu Month at CLF Sharing 2019
Talian dan Panduan Dalam Talian untuk Pelajar Peringkat 'O'
Ketua Pegawai Eksekutif (CEO) baru di Yayasan Mendaki