
Education Subsidies
Study Loans
Scholarships, Awards & Sponsorships
MENDAKI - Gafoor PropNex Scholarship

MENDAKI-Gafoor Propnex Scholarship – 2024


Education Trust Fund–Gafoor Propnex Bursary – 2024




The scheme was introduced in December 2021. It is to support and encourage deserving Malay/Muslim students who are enrolled in the Institutes of Technical Education (ITEs) Polytechnics and Universities in Singapore to excel in their studies. Priorities are given to students from financially disadvantaged families.




To support financially disadvantaged Malay/Muslim students at the local ITEs and Polytechnics and to encourage the University students in Singapore to excel.


Application Period *


Level of Study 

Application Period

Academic Year


1st year Jan Intake & Subsequent years

4 Dec – 29 Dec 2023

Jan 24 – Dec 24

1st year Apr Intake & Subsequent years

5 Feb – 15 Mar 2024

Apr 24 – Mar 25


26 Feb – 12 Apr 2024

Apr 24 – Feb 25


27 May – 8 July 2024

Aug 24 – May 25


Eligibility requirements for:


A) The Bursary


  1. Singapore citizens holding a valid NRIC / PR of Singapore;
  2. Malay/Muslim;
  3. Pursuing full-time education in Singapore in any of the following institutions:
    1. Any of the 3 local ITEs;
    2. Any of the 5 local Polytechnics.
  4. Achieved good academic results in his/her course of study;
  5. Have a household per capita income (PCI) of S$750 and below;
  6. Not in receipt of any other bursaries.


B) The Scholarship


  1. Singapore citizens holding a valid NRIC / PR of Singapore;
  2. Malay/Muslim;
  3. Pursuing full-time education in Singapore in any of the following institutions:
    1. Any of the 6 local Universities
  4. Achieved good academic results in his/her course of study and have obtained admission to the bachelor’s degree programme:
  5. If the academic results between shortlisted applicants are comparable, then those with a lower PCI shall be given priority;
  6. Not in receipt of any other bursaries.




  1. Applications will only be considered upon receipt of all fully completed required documents;
  2. Applicant must be accepted by the local institutions mentioned in clause No.3 above;
  3. Shortlisting of candidates is based upon competition amongst the eligible applicants;
  4. Interviews may be held for shortlisted candidates;
  5. Each bursary is applicable for one academic year only;
  6. The bursary shall be used for the recipients’ educational expenses such as tuition fees, course materials, living expenses and fees for other educational activities organised by the institution the recipient is enrolled in;
  7. Applicants must re-apply to be considered for the Bursary in the following academic year, subject to meeting all the criteria.


Value of Award


Level of Study 


Number of Recipients

ITE (Bursary)



Polytechnic (Bursary)



University (Scholarship)




Mandatory documents required to submit application


  1. Identification of applicant – Front and Back Copy of NRIC.
  2. Latest Academic Results of applicant clearly showing:
    1. Full name;
    2. Course of study;
    3. Year
    4. Grades, Ranking Points & cGPA where applicable;
  3. For first year students in ITE, Polytechnic or Universities, please provide official proof of admission into institution of study. Those who do not currently have this can and must provide later nearing the admission of school date preferably before closure of application window to be submitted via the portal;
  4. Family Members’ Particulars Form duly completed and signed. Please download the form here: Family Members’ Particulars Form 2024;
  5. Employed adults in the household (except for National Servicemen):
    1. Please provide latest Payslip OR
    2. Letter from Employer confirming latest pay;
  6. Unemployed adults in the household:
    1. Please provide latest CPF Contribution Statement OR
    2. The Income Declaration Form. Please download the form here: Income-Declaration-Form-for-Scholarship / Bursary 2024;
  7. Self-employed adults in the household:
    1. Please provide latest IRAS Notification of Assessment;
  8. Please provide in 150 words, your achievements & your goals in the next 5 & 10 years in MS Word Format;
  9. Other supporting Documents if any.


Application Procedure


  • First time applicants must create an account to be able to proceed with the application.
  • Please submit ONE bursary / scholarship application only. We will consider your application for other eligible schemes accordingly.
  • Eligibility to apply for the bursary/scholarship does not guarantee any award of the bursary/scholarship.
  • Yayasan MENDAKI reserves the right to reject incomplete and duplicate applications.
  • Yayasan MENDAKI’s decision on the outcome of all applications shall be final and not subject to further review or appeal.
  • We will be in touch with you within 6 to 8 weeks upon closure of the application window. *
  • Applications must be submitted via MyMENDAKI portal by clicking the Tab below.


For MENDAKI-Gafoor Propnex Scholarship – University 2024 APPLICATION





Enquiries? Click here to contact us


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