We’ve recently announced that we will be having a month-long celebration in OCTOBER! Called Raikan Ilmu Month (A Month of Celebrating Knowledge), we will be working with various partners to provide you with a range of educational activities all month, guaranteed to be a whole lot of fun for the entire family! Why October? Did you know that MENDAKI’s birthday is on October 10? In 1982, Yayasan MENDAKI was established as Majlis Pendididkan Anak-anak Islam (Council on Education for Muslim Children) by Malay/Muslim community leaders and supported by the Government. What does Raikan Ilmu mean? Knowledge is defined as facts, information, and skills acquired through experience or education. This means that through theory or practice, you get to understand a subject. To celebrate means to acknowledge a significant event with a social gathering or enjoyable activity. It also means to honour something publicly. As such, in the spirit of celebrating knowledge, we will be honouring the act of gaining and sharing of skills through fun games and activities. Here are some ways in which we’ve been celebrating knowledge over the years! Celebrating knowledge can start with YOU! What are some ways in which you can celebrate knowledge with your friends and families? Here are some ideas.
Have other ideas to celebrate knowledge? Share them here!